Get the deals at the next Texas Show

Texas Gun Shows Ammo prices seem to be coming down just like the economy is going down so now might be a better time to consider going out and scoping the place out for ammo.  Ammo prices are still drastically different, but atleast the availability seems to be there.   I notice the run on firearms has slowed now, probable since everyone knows that if you don’t already have enough, racking up more credit card debt just for  rack queen isn’t rational.   Let us know if you don’t see any shows being listed that are being promoted.

We’ve been compiling as much info as we could about gun shows in the State of Texas.   Many Texas Gun Shows are promoted by small promoters and the word doesn’t always get out very well.   That seems to be the case for many States.   There are a few big name promoters that host gun shows a few times a year and you can almost avoid reading about them because they are on the same date or close to the same time every year.



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