All posts tagged Trijicon RMR optics

Should you skip steps when teaching people about defensive shooting ?

Ok, yeah, from a scenario stand point there are always variables which can change things, but there are some steps that you should put all of your efforts into transmitting to a new student before  you can take a step back and have confidence they can stand on their own.   First, safe gun handling skills are important, but there are some things that should be taught immediately after that.   I have in several situations had people call me up and ask me where to get a firearm because they were under serious security risks and they had almost zero firearm handing experience.

There is always a balance that needs to be met with each new shooter.  Some people progress faster than others but you really have to watch you don’t skip steps.  Mounting high optics like the Trijicon rifle scopes, namely the ACOGS on a gun may make a novice shooter more proficient but what about close up engagements? Do they know that those crosshairs are going to be several inches above the point of impact if someone was 10ft in front of them?  What would the ramifications of missing by 2 inches ? I can think of scenarios where they could end badly.


Accessories to rifle scopes for hunting or military applications

Anyone that has been at a firing range and done long range shooting is probable aware of the issue of scope glare.   For those that want to understand the sniper/counter sniper training, one of the first things you are going to learn is how to conceal your weapon in and environment.  The achilles heal of a sniper can sometimes be the optics that he needs to bring with him.  Scope glare is what ends a snipers life and in most situations, there is always the potential that a rifle scope will give off some level of glare.   Trijicon was aware of this when they were deploying the ACOGS in the MiddleEast and the flash kill is a must for those doing street work.  For police work or certain environments the high visibility of the Trijicon Fiber Optics cable can also have it’s unwanted attention, and some actually cover there so they are only partially exposed.

I have scope covers on all of my optics because I’ve put guns away in gun safes and had things fall on them where if they did not have covers,  I might be out several hundred if not thousands of dollars.   Trijicon Rifle Scopes are for military or hunting applications.   The Trijicon Accupoint gives you a unique reticle that is highly visible, but most of this is about preference. Trijicon reticles can vary dramatically depending on what the optics intended mission is.   There are traditional long range shooting optics with Mil-dots and are also heavily used for designated marksmen as well as sniper roles


It isn’t always about hitting the target

It isn’t always about being able to shoot tight groups, combat optics usually have some level of magnification because identifying a friendly from a foe is of the utmost importance.   A few friends of mine liked the ACOGS because they helped them identify wires from IED’s from out to 100yds.   IF you had zero magnification you might have trouble knowing from under 25yds away and that is not safe.  The Eotech 3x magnifier gives you this ability but you will have to worry about having two mounted optics  on your gun and not one which is basically what the Trijicon ACOG is.

If you want to get a really good deal on a Trijicon ACOGS, you’ll probable have to buy a used one from someone having a baby or someone getting out of the military.  Those Trijicon rifle scopes aren’t cheap, but they will hold up and they have a proven track record of doing so.  I have yet to hear of anyone having mounting issues because in my opinion it’s impossible to mount an ACOG wrong unless you use a hammer. There are big differences between each Trijicon ACOG reticle and it’s your job to decide on which style of reticle fits your needs, but always be open to adapting.

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