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Outside the pants holsters

The first question I would ask someone if they were asking me for a holster would be to ask them “for what” and then say “how much do you want to spend”.   I am starting to feel very uncomfortable in carrying inside the waist.  I believe it is probable the best location for CCW, but it can get uncomfortable if you are a 7 days a week carrier.    Most cops carry in a paddle or belt holster and that has a lot to do with comfort.   I’m hearing good things about Crossbread holsters, but I still haven’t held them in my hands or tried them out.   I should be getting a few in sometime next month, but in the mean time, I’ve been carrying with a Don Hume Jit holster and I am finding it very comfortable.

I haven’t had to alter the types of clothing I have worn since switching the way I carried, and I have to watch I don’t lift my arms up too high.   I can’t wait for Spring when I can wear some of my lighter weight vests because right now this winter indoor heat at stores is killing me.   I almost passed out when I was walking around doing Christmas shopping because the dry heat and lack of breath ability of the heavy winter coat I wore almost made me want to turn around and go home.   I have several Fobus holsters that work very well, but even the paddle starts to bother me.   A friend of mine took a class with his Fobus holster and said that it hurt at the end of the day after he was rolling around on the ground.   I have found that full size autos work very well with the Fobus paddle holsters, but they are not the most comfortable to wear.

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