All posts tagged Sabre Defense Pepper Spray Reviews

Avoid the liability of using a firearm in self defense

Make sure you carry a less leathal weapon and there’s a very good chance you can avoid the legal ramifications of using a firearm.  I’m in no way saying that you shouldn’t carry a gun to protect yourself, but for even more insurance carrying different levels of self defense is a very good idea.  Just look at what moden law enforcement officers carry.  Cops don’t like pulling guns on drugged up teenagers nor do they want to have to pull weapons on groups of people that are unarmed.  This always looks bad on TV even thought the good citizen feels that bodily harm is just around the corner.

I have had my fair share of bad experiences with criminals and I have to tell you that carrying pepper spray is a very good thing.  If a 13yr kid gets worked up and starts threatening you, you don’t want to be the gun on TV that shot a kid 20yrs younger than you and is half your body mass.  We carry much of the Sabre Defense Pepper Sprays and these are also the same products that we sell to law Enforcement Officials.   Reactions to pepper sprays can be different depending on the individual you are dealing with and not all pepper sprays are anywhere near the same.  We have had several requests for FOX sprays and are looking to carry that line as well.

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