All posts tagged Ruger Mini 14 mags

Often over looked firearms

There is much to say for using an M4 Carbine for home defense in comparison to using a handgun.   There are many people that are transitioning home defense weapons from handguns to carbines.   There are  pistol caliber carbines that have very good reputations for reliability and given that you are getting another 200-300 fps or more out of them from a handgun round, you are getting more punch and spank from your bullet.   One firearm that is starting to get a little more use due to ballistic improvements in ammunition is the M1 Carbine.

The M1 Carbine always had a good reputation for being reliable, lethal and handy.   The Mini  14 from Ruger has a bit of an edge over the old M1 Carbine, but it’s still a very potent and useful weapon.   When we are asked about gun magazines for this firearm for  home defense, especially in California, New Jersey and the un friendly States, Promag magazines makes a very good M1 Carbine 10rd magazine.   This is one of the best replacement magazines you can find for the M1 Carbine and if you look around there are some decent defensive rounds you can optain for this caliber.


Did the M14 replace the Garand?

That is a sure thing, and in my opinion it was a big step forward for semi-autos.  It really is too bad the gun was not fielded during the Korean War because it would have made a difference for the USGI.   As much as the Garand was a useful weapon to the American Rifleman, it was quickly out dated in the battle field and from what I have personally witnessed, is not very versatile when it comes to being used by different soldiers.   Many Vets that I have spoken to did not think the gun was fun to shoot and couldn’t hit anything at 100yds with it.   I’ve seen that type of shooting before, it’s called “fear of recoil”.

When the M14 was first issued, it pretty much did in the M1 Garand and the BAR, but modern warfare made the riflemen’s  usual combat engagements take place at well under 400yds.   Most engagements that I know of from personal stories took place at under 100yds.   The M1 Carbine still was very practical for soldiers until the M4 Carbine came out, now many enthusiasts in California and New Jersey can use the Promag magazines that are 10rds and from what many of our customers have said they worked very well for this old relic.   If it were not for the limited availability and reliability of M1 Carbine ammo, I think the gun would be more popular.

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