All posts tagged reviews on pepper sprays

Law Enforcement and Civillian Sabre Defense Options

Kimber pepper blaster IIThe new Kimber Pepper Blaster II is a huge improvement over the early Kimber Guardian Angel.   The device has a better grip and actually has sights on it.   Although you may at first think they are expensive, they almost 2xs longer than bottle sprays and are easier to hold and aim than any flip tab bottle.   If you are carrying a firearm as a Civilian, carrying a backup or secondary weapons, other than a knife that give you even more security in defusing a hostile situation without the legal ramifications of using a firearm may only cost you $20-$40, would you take it?

We all know there are people that are living in States where carrying a firearm is not allowed, but considering how good modern technology has become, Sabre Defense pepper sprays and tasers have become viable options for self defense.   We also highly recommend people consider carrying some level of less-lethal device other than a knife or a firearm because there are are more than likely more incidences where dealing with an obnoxious bully or drunk can be diffused with pepper spray than waiving a firearm and then having to deal with law enforcement in a he said she said.  While it is true that many Law Enforcement Officials have been using tasers, even those have proven to not always workASP Pepper Sprays and many other options for backup or primary non-lethal defense


More Feedback from customers about the Kimber Pepper Blaster

IF you walked into our Broomall Showroom, you would see a large selection of the new pepper sprays.  We still get customers that stubbornly don’t want to use anything but the small mace pepper spray that come in the keychain size, but we always show them the Ruger Ultra and stealth pepper sprays, the Kimber Pepper Blaster II and a few others.  The ASP Pepper Sprays seem to still be very popular due to their marketing of jogger or runner pepper sprays.  I guess joggers seem to cover more territory and going through parks or wooded areas make them higher risk for robberies.

Our favorite pepper spray is by far the one that has an expiration date of 4yrs and is shaped more like a firearm.   For many people, the idea of pulling a pepper spray out of your purse or pocket and  knowing which direction it pointing, the Kimber Pepper Blaster II is the most expensive pepper spray but if you can get past the idea that  you’re paying for 4yrs of security, then it’s not so much of a sticker shock.   We normally try to keep a dummy pepper blaster around for people to handle and that is normally an easy sell.



Convenience and comfort with pepper sprays

We have a lot of new pepper sprays with many various configurations for sale in our brick and mortar store and our online website.  You will have to consult with your local township laws on what is legal but the product line is expanding and things have really improved.   At first people get sticker show when they look at the price of the Ruger or the Kimber Pepper blasters but they are worth just as much as the $8 pepper sprays you get on a keychain from ASP or others.   Much of this is not at the same level as the stuff that many law enforcement officers carry but some of it is pretty darn close.   There are  not always just good for primary but also a very good secondary option that can save you money on the long run by reducing the legal fees of using a firearm.

My favorite secondary choice is the Kimber Pepper Blaster II which is a big ergonomically improvement over the Kimber Guardian angel.   We have several of the Sabre Defense and the ASP Pepper sprays available on our counter top displays at work and even though the Ruger pepper sprays and the Kimber Pepper blaster have some good points, these are tried and tested devices.   We have several customers that have been in our store that have told us they used them in defensive situations while dating or being on College campuses.  Sometimes instead of a kick in the balls a good stream across the face is a good way to say “you aren’t  interested”.

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