All posts tagged Prepper food

Preparing for emergencies in different climate seasons

Wise Emergency Food StorageI think up here in the Northeast, most of the major power losses occur in the Summer when major thunderstorms roll through and trees come down and knock out power.   We get wacked with hurricanes every couple decades and most people up in my neck of the woods have stories about them.  This year was very different, we are dealing with one of the highest recorded amount of snow and several ice storms and never ending snow storms have piled up on power lines.   The idea of being without refrigeration like you have in the summer doesn’t matter when it’s 6 degrees fahrenheit and all you have to do is move your freezer outside, but there are problems that extreme cold temps can cause you when you loose power.

If you have a gas stove you will still need to melt snow or keep water from freezing if possible, but fruits and vegetables are going to go bad if they freeze.   Having an item like the Wise Food Storage in your emergency food storage supply is going to come handy in these situations.  We have several local emergency management departments buying the larger serving kits to drop off in neighborhoods when people loose power for more than a week.   Things people don’t realize until it happens so it’s a good idea to keep an eye on what happens around the Country from weather channel cable news and see how they dealt with it.    These are sometimes once or twice in a life time incidences but we got our warnings in 2014 to be prepared for the next round or the next year.

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