All posts tagged Police Officer holsters

Holsters vs. Holsters

There are so many variations of holsters and certain holsters are a must for certain environments.  I never understood people that take a firearm or a holster and don’t use it the way it was intended or try and cut around corners.  For instance, I have a friend that carries a Safariland holster around with the ALS system but he doesn’t keep the hood up to lock the gun in.    The locking system design is actually being skipped over.  The real problem with this line of thinking is under stress, the locking system can get knocked back and then the person with the firearm will get a surprise when he or she pulls the firearm and it does not release.  Practice with the guns and gear the way they were suppose to be otherwise unintended issues will arise.

The same thing goes for people that carry 1911s and keep the thumb safety off.  I have seen thumb safeties on 1911s come back on and this is the same issue that can occur on Safariland holsters with the ALS design.   The one thing I do like about kydex holsters over the leather holsters that we sell is that re holstering in a kydex holster is easy and there is hardly the need to wiggle the gun around or adjust the holster before re-holstering.  Some leather holsters can start to flop over time and that can be an issue under stress.   Choose your holster and firearm and be careful your short cuts don’t end up becoming a liability.

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