All posts tagged Original SWAT

A literal test run on Original Swat

I got to sit on another Carbine Course last weekend here in Ohio.   We wrapped it up at the NTOA Conference a few weeks ago in Pittsburgh and I was invited to sit in on a Counter Terrorism training session.   The students practice truck stopping and clearing a tractor trailor.   One of the things I noticed when the students were preparing for the class was that they were all complaining about how hot their clothing was and in late September, we were still having 90F weather.  The truth of the matter is you really have to prepare for that kind of discomfort and be prepared to be sweating it out in your gear.  When you gotta wear body armor, it’s going to be uncomfortable in hot weather.

Since we have started carrying the Original Swat boots in our inventory, I was keeping an eye on the students that were wearing our stuff.  I wanted to see how fast these individuals were moving and see if I could see any slippage.  One of the biggest complaints I got from students when asked about what they liked and didn’t like about boots was durability.   We’re still waiting to hear back from the students we sponsored  on the boots we supplied, but it’ll probable take about 12 months to get an accurate response.  I did hear a lot of positive things about the traction of the boots and how well students could move on roads without slipping  because the high humidity did give a slippery startup in the morning.


Ass kicking gear

Original SWAT has grown as a company and we’ve been told that production has been way up in the last year due to the demand.   Original SWAT boots are meant for those that are actually out in the streets even though they do have an Oxford dress boot for more office type environments.   The tactical boots are very comfortable and to be honest, the first thing I noticed about them was that they were not as heavy as I thought they would be.   One other thing I really liked about them was the ability to change the insoles out.   I’ve toted an M4 Carbine with about 20lbs of other gear an ammo and after about 6hrs of standing with it on, I could really feel my fit getting sore.   The people at Original SWAT knew that even if the boots don’t wear, the insoles do wear and it’s best to design the product around the ability to swap this part in and out.

When we were at the Atlantic City Police and Security expo, we did a lot of browsing for products we were  interested in carrying in our show room.   We are very happy with the Eotac tactical apparel line basically due to the improvements we saw over the previous product lines and due to our customer responses but we needed to add to it with Original Swat Boots product line.   The Wilderness makes a great belt that our customers love to wear and even our employees.   Eotac has their own logo on some of The Wilderness belts, too.    When it comes to footwear, quality control is extremely important to us.   We’ve seen some pretty bad knock off tactical pants that either fell apart after hard use or were not user friendly.   We did  a lot of research and testing and asked around to our customer base on what type of boots we should carry.  The Original SWAT boots were the winner.


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