All posts tagged non lethal devices

Backup weapon for primary purposes

The idea of having a backup weapon doesn’t necessarily mean that it is there for when your primary weapon goes down.    A secondary weapon can be there just because it’s in a different location and may be easier to access under a certain situation.   For instance, an ankle holster is  a great option for those that do a lot of driving.   Trying to retrieve a firearm while in the seated position with an IWB or paddle holster is going to be difficult, and try that under stress.   An firearm in an ankle holster is very easy to access unless you’ve got problems reaching your ankles in the first place.   A shoulder holster is also a good way of carrying if you do a lot of driving.

One thing to always think about though, is the modern improvements in pepper sprays.   The Kimber Pepper Blaster is a very easy device to carry due to its smooth surfaces and easy to feel grip.   Put a bottle in  your pocket that only shoots in one direction and when you try and grab it, it’ll take a lot of practice to know which direction the spraying end is pointing.   This is a non issue with the Kimber Pepper Blaster   Each end feels completely different and you will be able to feel which end points towards the bad guy even if its in your pocket.   The 2 shot Guardian Angel is easy for a novice to use.   The only bad thing about them is they are more expensive than most bottle mace, but the longevity of the product is 2xs longer than pepper sprays.

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