All posts tagged jewelry safes

We don’t need new laws, but you do need to you lock your guns up

I don’t think we need anymore laws put on the books, but after all of the emotion about the CT shooting, many people have come to the conclusion that mental health issues are serious issues and the mother of the shooter was partially responsible for the crime.   If you know you have an immature or unstable family members, you have to lock your guns up or move them out of the house.  There are always people in your family or in  your circle of friends that you should limit your involvement with when it comes to showing them your firearms.  There as been much said about how some anti-gun newspapers or politicians are trying to announce who has firearms and that it a dangerous precedent to set.

Not only are you divulging personal information you are also announcing which houses the bad guys might want to stake out for burglaries.   There is no reason to not lock up yours guns and we highly recommend gunvault safes for those that conceal carry and need daily access to a firearm.  These safes are normally in the $100 price range and can be bolt under your bed or in a hard to see area.   Biometric safes can give you more security and prevent family members from learning a code.  There are always pros and cons to any item but these are something any firearm instructor or NRA member should urge gun owners to  use.


There is no compromise anymore

Everyone in the concealed carry market talk about concealment and which firearm is easier to hide, but those debates have so many variables and just like trying to get a pair of pants to fit on everyone of different sizes, it’s just not going to work for everyone.   There are some things which remain constant and there is no variable and that one issue is gun safety.   I’m not just talk about range safety and gun handling, I’m also talking about where you put your firearm and how you prevent others from getting  a hold of it.  I have several friends that told me that they grew up with firearms that were not locked up, but things are different now.

If you look at the statistics on firearm thefts and how guns end up in the streets, its always straw purchase and gun thefts.   IF you are looking to have an alarm system installed in your home consider this, most gunvault safes are very easy to bolt into areas that are hard to find and given the modern biometric technology, you aren’t compromising your ability to retrieve a firearm quickly and you reduce your chances of having your stuff stolen if you do have a break in.  Most burglars want to move fast and they can’t find the safe or it’s in a hard to detach location chances are you will not loose your stuff.


Gun safety and threat levels

I am a big proponent of carrying firearms for self defense but even if someone is training with me I still will never tell them that they must carry a firearm at all times.   There are a lot of liabilities to carrying firearms and people with certain personalities and character traits can become a liability to the image of responsible gun ownership.  Each of us has a different job in life and some jobs are more dangerous.   Threats of retaliation from gangs is something that occurs when good citizens stand up against them and even recently in Philadelphia a woman was murdered for being a witness to a murder.  What a horrible situation Philadelphia has become.

There are different levels of maturity for each child and it’s up to the parent to determine when a child can handle certain tasks, but leaving firearms around where any child has access to them is a bad idea.  Gunvault gun safes has more than just gun safes for you to consider for home defense.   You can hide and lockup a Carbine or a shotgun if you are creative enough and still have easy access.   There are plenty of non-lethal devices to deploy around your home for young adults to consider in a hostile situation.  CO2 Fire extinguishers are a great example of something that could be used against a break in.

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