All posts tagged Hoppes

Slip 2000 gun cleaning and more

Hoppes Boresnakes are the fastest cleaning kits in the world.   There’s no need to worry about storing cleaning rides and worrying about bending or breaking them.  The Bore Snake is also easier to use with some types of semi-autos.   You won’t need to use as many gun cleaning patches, or gun cleaning rods and gun brushes The Ruger Mini 14 is a classic example of this.   Most firearms can be cleaned from the breach forward, but something like a Mini 14 can not due to the design of the bolt carrier.  A bore snake can easily be inserted into the breach of a Mini 14 or Mini 30 and cleaned properly.   The bore snake can also easily be stored and does not take up any room.

One pass loosens large particles, scrubs out the remaining residue with a bronze brush, then swabs it all spotless with a cleaning area 160X larger than a standard patch. Add a few drops your favorite gun cleaning supplies  or Hoppes Elite and your guns ready for storage. The bore snake is caliber specific so make sure you get the correct one for  your pistol, rifle or shotgun.   You will also notice your gun cleaning time will be cut in half or more.   I’ve cleaned more than 4 firearms in an hour, from AKs, FALs, M1A, Mini 14s and AR15 rifles all will accept the use of the Hoppes boresnake.


Save money on larger quantities of gun cleaning supplies

Although we sell these gun cleaning kits and accessories to gun cleaning, everyone at Rogue Elite is a gun owner and a shooter.   We all started out with Hoppes gun cleaning kits that were 3 piece cleaning rods and all have our stories about how we had to air the house out because we spilled cleaning fluids on the floor.   Gun cleaning has gotten simpler although our amount of interest in cleaning may not have changed.   Hoppes bore snakes have made cleaning semi-auto guns like the Mini 14 or M1 Garand much easier due to the designs of the guns and that traditional cleaning rods might damage these.   The Otis gun cleaning kits are compact and portable and extremely versatile.

Mpro-7 gun cleaning spray bottles have really over taken Break Free products even though you are doing a 2 step cleaning plan.  The Breakfree CLP is a pretty darn good for gun cleaning supplies because its basically an all in one product, but it’s biggest drawback is that it does need to be shaken all the time and it does not last as long as the Mpro-7 gun oil the LPX.   You will be able to tell the difference when you cycle the slide on a firearm when you use the M-Pro7 gun oil.



Old School vs. New school cleaning

otis gun cleaning kitsotis gun cleaning kitsI have the original bottle of Hoppes gun cleaner that my first 22lr cleaning kit, I’ve kept it as a time capsule as to how long ago it was that I first got into shooting.   I remember the first time I got a cleaning patch stuck in the barrel and when I bent the 3 piece rod and ended up going out and picking up a larger and stronger cleaning rod.    We learn most of our wisdom from trial and error and putting large cleaning patches down the barrel of a 22 caliber rifle is a learning experience.   I’ve only ruined one cleaning rod to date, but I really don’t use them very much anymore.

Bore snakes were really the thing that did in the  use of me using cleaning rods.  Ever since I picked up an my first AR15, which was a Bushmaster XM15E2 with a heavy barrel, I was happy to eliminate a considerable amount of time in gun cleaning.  I was well aware that the direct impingement guns were dirty, but considering how many cleaning patches I went through on just the chamber, I was glad to have a boresnake.  Another step to my collection of gun cleaning supplies were the Otis gun cleaning kits were another step forward for  me because I got the same compactness that the Hoppes bore snake gave me with even more cleaning tools in a tiny case.   I have a cleaning rod for rifles and one that is specific for handguns, but I’m using them less and less in comparison to Otis and boresnakes.


More range time, less cleaning time

Otis gun cleaning kit I first got turned on to changing my cleaning system after I ran out of a certain type of cleaning patch for my 22lr rifle.   It really can be a royal pain in the butt when you are going from cleaning a 22lr rifle, 45acp pistol, a 30 caliber battle rifle and realizing that all you have is a bunch of 30 caliber type cleaning patches and it’s time to look around for that pair of scissors that you thought was in the kitchen and now it’s know where to be found.   If the cleaning patch isn’t cut right, you will risk jamming it in your rifle barrel and that can be a real difficult challenge.

The Otis gun cleaning system that I use is very versatile.    I admit that I do own a few bore snakes, but I’m not going to run out and pick up a bore snake for every single caliber I own.   The Otis kit I have is a universal kit that can clean most handgun and rifle calibers and is very compact and works as well as any of my cleaning rods do.   I’m sure if you had to literally scrub a bore, y ou may want a cleaning rod, but that’s a non issue for me.    The best thing about this configurtion is I only need 1 cleaning patch and depending on how you fold it, you can use it for 22LR on up to 30 caliber firearms with ease.


Cleaning more than one rifle at a time…

Hoppes bore snakesCleaning more than one rifle at a time can be a really pain in the neck.   Depending on the number of calibers you are using, you’ll have to change each brush you use, each punch, and each cleaning patch to properly clean your rifle or pistols.   I never really felt the need to change from a traditonal rifle rod to any fancy gun cleaning kits for a long time.   Some of these gun cleaning kits look very nice, but the reality is there are several cleaning kits out there that have made traditional gun cleaning obsolete.   Granted, I will have to say that I do have a few friends that sweat that they still need to use their cleaning rods to clean bolt action sub-moa rifles, because Otis gun cleaning kits and bore snakes aren’t 100%.   I’ll have to leave that up to personal choice, but I don’t see it.

The first time I took more than 4 rifles to the range and had to take the time to clean each one of them, I must have spent over 2hrs between cleaning brush changes and constantly running patches through the barrels.  I finally decided to run out and pick up a 22 Cal bore snake and see what they were all about.   I realised immediately that this Hoppes bore snake was really worth the money after I cleaned 3 of my AR15s and 1 Mini 14 rifle in less than half an hour.   The only time I used cleaning patches was to wipe down the bolt carriers.   I still think there is the need to use chamber brushes on the AR15 style rifles, but that isn’t something I would say needs to be done after every firing.   Rogue Elite is selling most of the Hoppes Bore Snakes for under $20 and I promise you’ll eliminate 50% of your cleaning time with them.

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