All posts tagged Gun Oil LPX

Save money on larger quantities of gun cleaning supplies

Although we sell these gun cleaning kits and accessories to gun cleaning, everyone at Rogue Elite is a gun owner and a shooter.   We all started out with Hoppes gun cleaning kits that were 3 piece cleaning rods and all have our stories about how we had to air the house out because we spilled cleaning fluids on the floor.   Gun cleaning has gotten simpler although our amount of interest in cleaning may not have changed.   Hoppes bore snakes have made cleaning semi-auto guns like the Mini 14 or M1 Garand much easier due to the designs of the guns and that traditional cleaning rods might damage these.   The Otis gun cleaning kits are compact and portable and extremely versatile.

Mpro-7 gun cleaning spray bottles have really over taken Break Free products even though you are doing a 2 step cleaning plan.  The Breakfree CLP is a pretty darn good for gun cleaning supplies because its basically an all in one product, but it’s biggest drawback is that it does need to be shaken all the time and it does not last as long as the Mpro-7 gun oil the LPX.   You will be able to tell the difference when you cycle the slide on a firearm when you use the M-Pro7 gun oil.



BreakFree CLP and it’s time to move on

We all know that most of the Military has been using a CLP for cleaning, but now that we’re actually in full fledged combat in parts of the world, certain things are becoming out dated.   I’ve noticed for years that Breakfree CLP is a very good gun cleaner and protector, but it always seems to disappear from your gun even if you don’t shoot it.   I’ve put enough guns in gun safes for long periods of time to notice which guns hold lube, and if you are a Sig Sauer fan you should know that those guns need lubrication to keep up with the modern world.   I have picked up some of the Mpro7 products to test them out due to friends telling me about it and here’s some feedback.

I am not one to like wearing gloves but if you are around all of this stink, it’s something to be concerned about.   Gun cleaning supplies like CLP are smelly and in the winter you may have issues with ventilation.     MPro-7 cleaner does an outstanding job of stripping gun oils and carbon off of your gun and this is a must for anyone running a direct impingement firearm.   The Pro-7 gun oil also seems to  hold on to firearms better and I could feel the difference on my Sig handguns as soon as I racked the slide.   I’ll have to shoot them for awhile to tell if they hold up better than when I used CLP, but I have had guns jam on me after 400rds or so when I only used CLP and let them sit for a few months.

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