All posts tagged Glock holsters for sale

Holsters vs. Holsters

There are so many variations of holsters and certain holsters are a must for certain environments.  I never understood people that take a firearm or a holster and don’t use it the way it was intended or try and cut around corners.  For instance, I have a friend that carries a Safariland holster around with the ALS system but he doesn’t keep the hood up to lock the gun in.    The locking system design is actually being skipped over.  The real problem with this line of thinking is under stress, the locking system can get knocked back and then the person with the firearm will get a surprise when he or she pulls the firearm and it does not release.  Practice with the guns and gear the way they were suppose to be otherwise unintended issues will arise.

The same thing goes for people that carry 1911s and keep the thumb safety off.  I have seen thumb safeties on 1911s come back on and this is the same issue that can occur on Safariland holsters with the ALS design.   The one thing I do like about kydex holsters over the leather holsters that we sell is that re holstering in a kydex holster is easy and there is hardly the need to wiggle the gun around or adjust the holster before re-holstering.  Some leather holsters can start to flop over time and that can be an issue under stress.   Choose your holster and firearm and be careful your short cuts don’t end up becoming a liability.


Fobus paddle holsters get the job done

We highly recommend these holsters for concealed carry or for defensive training classes. Concealment garments like the Eotac Style 102 vest along with a Fobus paddle holster are our most popular defensive training accessories for students taking defensive concealed carry courses. They are extremely comfortable for carrying full size and medium size semi-autos and are easy to detach from the belt. For Winter or open carry use, the Fobus paddle holster is a inexpensive and long lasting tactical holster. Get a good gun belt like the Wilderness 5-stitch Instructor belt and you won’t notice the difference between a Sig 239 and a Sig 226 on your body.

Fobus holsters are also very good for carrying in the winter when wearing a heavy coat is the norm. It’s always a good idea to have atleast a summer/winter configuration when carrying concealed and the Fobus holsters are something worth putting into your rotation. The quick and easy method of detaching the holster from the belt makes taking the gun holsters off and on that much less of an issue like belt loop holsters. Double and single stack magazine pouches are just as easy to take on and take off as the holsters are. There are also other concealed carry options like the Ankle Fobus holster which is one of our top 2 methods for white collar concealed carry.


A good holster that protects and retains a firearms

There has been so much bad mouthing of the Blackhawk Serpa holsters, but there seems to be some sense getting to people’s heads that its now becoming an accepted reality.   There is always a certain amount of training one most achieve before they carry a firearm. There are plenty of things that one can avoid if they are taught to avoid them and it’s something that always is the result of ND.   I have seen too many people pushed off to firing ranges that had very little training before they started doing defense shooting and dumb things like trigger control meant making an ass out of themselves by touching off a round while holstering.  The one statistic I will have to state is that with everyone of those it was with a Glock.

The differences between having a few extra pounds of trigger pull on a firearm can also reduce this, but if one  has trigger control it’s a none issue.  I have been using Blackhawk Serpa holsters for years now and they are still one of my favorites.  Yes they can fail if they roll in the dirt or snow but all firearms can fail for the same reason.  I have recently been using the Safariland holsters that many LEO have recommended and I understand the differences.  The reality for those that are carrying a firearm is this, if you want firearm retention with a holster, the Blackhawk Serpa holster is still  one of the best  holsters to protect and retain a firearm.

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