All posts tagged Decal Grip

Gun Modifications that are worth it

Pistol GripWhile there are many arguments about which firearm may suit you, one issue that the novice shooters often need to be educated about is that even if you are shopping for a gun that is reliable and a caliber you can handle,  everyones hands are different and knowing that a gun grip can be easily customized or modified is something often over looked.

I have picked up various firearms over the years and one thing I have ended up doing was replacing the factory versions of the grips to Hogue or Pachmayr.    There are some drawbacks to using fingered groove grips, some complain about hand cramping after long range sessions, but the reality is that you have to try it before you know it feels right.   Accuracy is another improvement I see whenever I reccomend people try different pistol grip styles for the same gun.   I’ve seen shooters change their opinions about which gun to buy just bases on the grip they were using.

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