All posts tagged Best price on Trijicon Optics

Trijicon SRS that diod thing?

Trijicon Reflex SightsYes, we are hearing about it, not everyone is complaining but there is definitely an issue with that reflective square that people are seeing.   Moving in and out of buildings and depending on various power settings you will see it.  Considering the cost of the optic and that the fix is to spend another $100 on this optic, it certainly has hit a cord with some of our potential customers.  I personally think that Trijicon is going to have to make a fix or modification to the optic if they want it to sell in the 2014.  The Trijicon SRS sight compared to some of the other AR15 or M4 red dot reticles is very popular with the competition shooters primarily because they have the money and they are willing to be the first to step in line for a smaller compact new technology optic with a 1.75 MOA dot.

I have always been a fan of the Eotech sights primarily because I like the 65MOA circle around the 1 MOA dot but I can see why people want an optic with longer battery life.  There are some pretty big differences between all of the Trijicon Reflex Sights and it’s up to the purchaser to do some research about them.  Some of the red dots have dramatically different dot sizes and there are pros and cons to using a 2 MOA dot, 1.75 MOA dot, or a 6.5 Amber red dot.  I hear from many of our Police officers about wash outs, or drops in reticle visibility when going from bright light to dark rooms so having variable power settings usually is a plus for house clearing. We’ll see what’s new from Trijicon optics this year at Shot Show but let’s hope for a new generation of Trijicon SRS sights.


Changes in hunting optics and Trijicon Accupoint optics

Trijicon Accupoint ScopesI have done a lot of hunting and I can’t believe some of the guns I have in my collection have been there for over 25yrs.   I didn’t get into hunting as early as some of you probable did but small game and deer was where it all started.   The first time I went hunting I was using a Winchester Model 70 with a redfield scope that my uncle had on it.   I was warned that it does fog up and boy did it fog up on day 1.   Going from a warm cabin to a cold 5am mountain hike instantly caused the scope reticle to haze over.   I almost wished I had iron sights on that trip.  Since then I’ve actually switched to using a lever action rifle with iron sights because it was the most comfortable rifle I could have to hike with.   The my Marlin 35 Remington is my primary deer rifle.

If I want to get back into mounting a scope on my hunting rifles, I probable could do it with my Marlin 35 remington but I’d have to take it to my gunsmith.   Trijicon is famous for their military optics but the Trijicon Accupoint scopes are very popular in the hunting community.   The illuminated reticles really held out in not losing your sights on the target in low light, and in all honesty, that probable how all of my deer were taking.   There are varying colors of reticles from, Red, Green, Amber and yellow.   Green reticles have really become popular and there is a noticeable difference in certain hunting environments to have


Trijicon Products and Pricing and Promos

Trijicon TA01NSN in stockThere are a lot of people out there that have carried the Trijicon product line and were frustrated with the strict MAP pricing and we understand that, but in the days of internet marketing we’ve seen some companies whore off products  just to get customers to buy from them and take business away from ethical companies.   There are some big name business that rank high on the search engines like Yahoo and Google and even Bing, but have really bad reputations and undesirable reputations on Ebay, but some how amazingly, people still put their credit card info in.   Customer service is a big part of getting “repeat” business and we are very happy to see customers that have been ordering things from us for almost 8yrs now.

There are lots of choices with the Trijicon optics, the differences between the ACOGs and the TA44, TA26 optics is huge.    Some of the Trijicon ACOGS like the Trijicon TA01NSN in stock are the older models but they have a more traditional reticle and many people have a problem deviating from that.  I have been won over to the Trijicon  TA31F-G that we consistently stock because after an afternoon range trip, that green chevron was clear as a laser and gave me a clear firing solution for 50yds, 100yds and 200yd ranges without covering my targets.   I have had issues with steel plate shooting at varying distances due to red dots and eotechs covering the targets.  Doesn’t happen with the chevron.


Why spend that kind of money on an optics? ACOGs, Aimpont and Eotech..

Trijicon ACOGSWell, most operators that have used any of the above mentioned optics will tell you that they are each good for something and not good for everything.  Red dots are very accepted as very good close up fighting optics and there are some very big differences between all of the various functions and quality.  I’ve checked out some of the Russian Kobra optics and C-more red dots and although they are priced lower, they are good optics and get the job done.  The haze of red dots is actually something that bothers me and bothers many other people because of the haze that many of them have.  Aimpoint is probable most widely accepted but the new Trijicon SRS red dot looks to me to be just as clear, if not clearer.

I remember when the ACOG first came out in the commercial market and spending $750 on a scope when I was shooting a $350 semi-auto rifle really seemed like a stretch.   After dropping $400 on an Eotech, then years later getting a magnifier, I could have easily picked up Trijicon ACOGS for sale for the price that I was paying.   Probable the TA01 or the TA01NSN would have been in that price range and especially the later, could have been a good comparison to the Eotech and the magnifier.   Going from zero magnification iron sights to an 4x scope is just about the same as going from your Eotech gun sight to a almost 4x optic.

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