All posts tagged AGI Videos

gun parts and tools and thinking ahead

I recently got myself into a situation with a CCW gun wear a magazine that was stored for a long time ended up not functioning properly even though the springs in it were fairly new.   I believe the Sig 239 pistol magazine had less than 100rds through it when it was left loaded for approximately 2yrs.   I’ve heard debates about single stack pistol magazines holding up better than double stack magazines,  but I’ve come to the conlusion that it is NEVER a good idea to leave a full loaded rifle or pistol magazine for more than a few months.   It’s best to rotate your carry ammo especially if you are cleaning  your sidearm fairly often.   After about 3 chamberings of any ammo, the ammo really should be used and not loaded back into a firearm.  Bullet separation is something that will eventually happen, and the last thing you want your gun to do in a defensive situation is to blow up.

I highly recommend getting a gunsmithing video on dissassembling or assembling your firearms so that you can familiarise yourself with firearm maintenance.   A big problem I have run into when doing maintenance is having the right tools to actually take guns apart and replace hammer springs and firing pin springs.   A Glock pistol is probable the easier to take apart and for just about $5 you can pick up glock dissasemble tool to replace any Glock parts you think you need replaced.   Do a search on youtube to see if you can find any free instructional videos, but also check with AGI or the manufacturer because there’s a good chance something is posted from the factory reps.

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