Eyewear, protection and visibility

I will never forget to time of my life where i thought that people that wore sunglasses only wore them because they were just trying to be cool.   Then there was the time I went on a fishing trip on a bright sunny day and came home with the worst headache I have ever gotten in my life.   After that, I knew there was a reason to wear sunglasses and it was obvious to me that that’s why they are called sunglasses.  Gun safety glasses obviously protect you from flying debris and for those serving in the military, ballistics on the eyewear you have on really means something to you.

Sunglasses for law enforcement isn’t just about being cool or hiding your eyes from the public.  Ever since HIV and blood born diseases really affecting the Law Enforcement community wearing eyewear that protected you from the disgusting elements of society was important.  Smith Optics Elite are now in the tactical community with cool Lifestyle eyewear with various lense options.   The eyewear comes in clear, gray, ignitor and polarized gray. We see a lot of clear eyewear going to those running ambulance services and first responders.


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