Are there better things than bottle pepper sprays?

We’ve seen all types of people come in our shop at various levels of knowledge about firearms or defensive devices.  We’ve had women that did not want to carry firearms but they wanted to buy pepper sprays or mace.  Guys come in and buy it for their wives or they come in and ask questions about concealed carry products.   People that have been robbed or had bad experiences in life get into this business looking for ways of carrying defensive products without buy a pair of 5.11 tactical pants and having a knife and Blackhawk Holster on them.  They just want to know how you actually do it.

Bottle pepper sprays are convenient but not very practical to carry, everyone knows by now that if you grab a cylindrical device you’re going to have trouble knowing which direction it is pointing.    Our line of ASP Pepper sprays are very reasonable priced, but there are things out there like the Kimber Pepper Blaster II, which use to be called the Kimber Guardian Angel, and there is a Ruger has a new pepper spray that has a better grip control than bottle pepper sprays but after watching some of the videos, all those strobes and sirens are more bells and whistles than what I think is practical, but if it gives you comfort than spending $20-$40 on it is worth the security.


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