5.11 tactical bags and accessory pouches
It seems that everyone and their dog has making nylon gear but there is a very big difference in the quality. We’ve sold a ton of clothing over the years and it often amazes me about the customers that have pointed out product defects. There have been stitching issues with just about every clothing manufacturer and sometimes missing buttons. Nobody is perfect but there are definitely customer service issues and consistency differences. 5.11 tactical is King of the tactical accessories and clothing, but there are several smaller companies that do things better and have their own niche.
As an internet based business we don’t stock everything in our Pennsylvania location and we ship from multiple locations. When it comes to stocking gun cases and rifle cases we have chosen to stock the Elite Survival Systems product line because it just seems more interesting. Don’t get me wrong the 5.11 gun cases we sell are very nice and to each his own when it comes to choosing a gun bag. The 5.11 rush messenger bag is a very popular gun bag and it might just be the right size for what you need.