The organized gun owner

Blackhawk Gun CasesThe organized gun owner is the guy that shows up at the range and never says, “aw frack” I forgot fill in the blank.     Some people may think that carrying their sight in tools is pointless if the gun is already sighted in.   I’m sure some of you reading this chuckled when they read that, but the reality is the serious shooter knows that even though he’s tightened everything down, stuff comes loose.   If it’s got a screw in it, it will come loose unless regular checkups are peformed.   I read a good write up by Pat Rogers where he suggested marking the tops of everything that needs locking down with a market of some sort.   Probable the best advice I’d pass on to friends.

Your ACOG and your Eotech sight all are easily attached, and they can also easily become dislodged after harsh use or thousands of rounds of ammo.   Mark  your screws so any line that looks out of place, gets retightened before it completely dislodges.   Now what should you carry tools in?   There are sometools that will fit in the grip of your AR15, but if you don’t have a range bag, I strongly suggest Blackhawk gun cases, for rifle, pistol and gear.   I would suggest that you get a bag that is primarily for handguns and tools.   Rifle cases can hold sight in tools and rifle mags and it’s best to associate a case or bag for pistols vs rifles.


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