Archive for August 28th, 2017

Building or Buying AR15 Complete Upper Receivers

Right now it’s a buyers market, we’re seeing a huge drop in buying of parts because so many people are getting complete AR15 carbines for dramatically reduced.  I recently was told by a few customers that they were getting Ruger 556 complete firearms for $450 from some dealers.   Well, welcome to the complete and total reset of the gun industry, it was all politically driven and the free ride gun stores have had for the last 8yrs is over.   Last month there was a 25% drop in background checks across the Country and it’s back to normal soon.

The one thing we’ve know is building AR15s is still going to increase and eventually it will be the majority of all AR15 sales.   Buying a stripped lower receiver and putting it together is something you can learn pretty fast, and once you’ve practiced it a few times it will forever affect the way you shop for an AR.   Buying an AR15 Complete Upper Receiver is still fairly common because it takes a little bit more skill to put one together, but still not very difficult.   The buyers market is still going on but it’s going to reset very soon.   Some companies are already laying off and only the best will be around a year from now.

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