Archive for November 15th, 2015

Trijicon Night Sights and High Definition Sights a great for young and old eyes

Trijicon High Definition SightsThere are plenty of good companies out there that are making night sights or high definition sights for firearms.  Whether you have 30/30 lever action, shotgun or a Glock 43, there are several companies like Meprolight, Tru-Glo and Trijicon that can get the job done.   I have heard some people complain about certain sights breaking on them but in all honesty you really do have to watch your gunsmith reputation or watch how you put them on.  I’ve seen sights break because someone that didn’t know what they were doing put stress on the sight while they were trying to push it on a dovetail and it ended of breaking on the firearm, at the range, most likely due to cracking.

Glock handguns are very easy to change sights on, one of the benefits of having a company design something right in the first place.   Even if you have good eye sight you should consider checking out the Trijicon High Definition Sights  because they work really well in daylight and I really don’t even like referring to them as night sights.  They are available for all of the Glock pistols as far as I know, even the new Glock 42 .380 handgun and the Glock 42.  There aren’t a lot of SKU numbers that you have to research either, The GL101 sight works on 85% of the Glocks and Glock 20, 21, 29, 30, 36, 41 are the GL104 and the Glock 113 sights for the 42 and 43.

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