Archive for May 19th, 2014

Fabrics have changed and it does pay to wear the right clothing

Under Armour Heat GearThere are many things that we sell that can be ruined by body sweat, firearms, parts, magazines body armor, holsters ect, and I, unfortunately have some stories about how I accidentally pitted the barrel of a j-frame revolvers as a novice CCW holder that used a leather holster during Pennsylvania Summer heat waves and the salts from my body sweat absorbed into the leather and over time, transferred to the firearm and ruined the finish.  If you read through military history, there are all sorts of stories about how wooden stocks, gun powder and firearms were ruined from moisture.  “Maintenance” is an important thing to do to keep any tactical gear in good condition and having a good moisture wicking shirt on in the summer that does not hold in body sweat is something to consider even if you are not in Law Enforcement.

I highly recommend wearing body armor  while being on firing ranges because there are so many idiots out there the lack muzzle discipline and depending on the type of training course, statistics say that bullets can do strange things and it’s an extra insurance policy.   We have been bringing in large quantities of Under Armour Heat Gear this summer, mostly on the requests of local Police Departments because it’s so important for them to change from Under Armour Cold Gear to Under Armour Heat Gear because sitting in a car for hours with a winter like we just had to jumping from Air Conditioned Patrol vehicles to an eventual Summer Hot weather can be physically stressful and with all the duty gear they have to wear,  comfort is extremely important to be physically and mentally alert.

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