Archive for November 1st, 2012

Tactical Boots in stock for all seasons and jobs

Footwear is as diverse and the needs for various styles of footwear are paramount to what the user is doing with them. waterproof boots can get hot and uncomfortable in some situations but when you don’t want to get your feet wet you need waterproof footwear. The metro traction boots have a unique foot traction sole and are going to feel a lot more like a pair of sneakers with a better grip on the road. The Air Zip 1232 is one of the biggest sellers because the balance between support and comfort.  Just like tactical pants and tactical gloves people need to find what’s right for them.  Original swat footwear has a diverse product line to accommodate diverse users.

The Metro traction style of boots from Original Swat are far more comfortable to wear for every day use. We have gotten a lot of feedback over the last few years about the Original swat boots we have been selling and we are continuing to learn about the products every time we hear from a customer. The SEK9000 is the leather Cadillac of the original swat tactical footwear, but they are not what the average Swat team operator is going to want to wear when they are not all suited up. The new Chase Low footwear gives a new athletic footwear feel and a new market for the Original Swat footwear company.

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