Archive for November 6th, 2011

Keeping a backup plan for bad weather while on the road

There is nothing worse than being stuck on the side of the road not being prepared.   Fix a flat is always your best friend but sometimes there is snow and rain involved.   One thing that many forget to put in a car is a flashlight or flares.   Even police officers are afraid of traffic and one of the most hazzardess situations is being  broken down on the side of a high traffic highway.   In the day and age of people talking on cell phones and texting people have the bad habit of over compensating when they see something and then swerve and loose control.   I’ve seen this happen.

Things change when you get older and have your own family and you get more concerned about their safety and avoiding bad situations.   Have a first aid kit, fix a flat, flashlights, cell phone charge, emergency battery jump starter and a good rain coat like the Woolrich Elite Waterproof  parka jacket really cut down on being in a bad situation.   First aid kits have gone a lot way and some of them are  better than what medics had back in Vietnam.   All of these items can be stored in a car and take up very little room


New fit for the Woolrich Elite Algerian Jacket

We recently got in some of the Fall and Winter products that we are stocking in our new location and we got in a few of the Woolrich Elite Algerian Jackets.  Now that the Eotac versions of the Algerian jacket have almost completely dried up, we have been a little frustrated in finding a good replacement.  When the Woolrich Elite Algerian jackets first came out, we were not very happy with the fit.  There were abnormally long arms on the jackets and we saw a 65% return rate with the jackets.   This is a very much improved version of the original Algerian jacket, but the bad fit made it a dud for us.


I recently opened up a box of the Algerian Jackets because a few that we special ordered for customers went over well and we did not hear any complaints.   I pulled some of the newer production Woolrich Elite Algerian Jackets out of the boxes and tried them on.   It’s been about 4yrs since these have been in production and I’m just noticing now that the fit has changed.   This is a pleasant surprise for us because one thing that Woolrich has always had going for it is there fabrics and material knowledge has produced very good  quality clothing.   If you’ve been turned off by the jackets in the past, give them a try again because the only difference we see now between the Eotac version and the Woolrich one are the velro vs button front pockets.  That’s your decision to make though.

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