Archive for March 7th, 2011

Sig 220 vs the 1911

I think there is just something about a 45acp that really makes firearms manufacturers do it right.  There is always preference when it comes to which firearm you want, and due to modern technology, many firearms are very reliable under almost all conditions.   The arguments about which caliber handgun has more stopping power will probable be a non-issue in coming years due to less lethal weapons like tasers ect.

I can’t think of any 45acp gun that is a full size semi-auto that I don’t like like.   The Springfield XD seems to be the most popular 45acp amongst 45acp enthusiasts.  Mostly because it feels closer to a 1911 and it is very well balanced.  Wilson Combat Magazines give the 1911 more reliability, but unless you do some alterations to the throat of the barrel, it won’t tolerate as much ammunition as the Sig 220 or the Springfield XD.


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