Archive for February 13th, 2011

IWB causing discomfort?

There have been several times recently where I have serious considered changing the type of gun I am carrying because after working 7 days a week in over time IWB has taken it’s toll.   I’m noticing I am getting bruising on the side where I carry my firearm and it really has gotten uncomfortable.   I find IWB to be the best concealed carry method for me, but it will catch up to those who carry all the time and do a lot of physical work.   My Sig 228 is a medium sized auto that is one of my favorite and I don’t feel like spending another $500 for a smaller firearm.

When you move from carrying a firearm inside the waistband and want concealment, you are probable going to have to consider wearing a vest or a jacket.   Once you get into Summer weather, a vest may not work for you at all all.  The Galco holsters that I like to wear as outside the pants holsters are the Galco Combat Master.  These have an angled slant to them which I prefer to defensive shooting.   Everyone has different body types and arm lengths so this may not work for you.  Many of my friends like the Roto holsters for the same reason.

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