Archive for September 4th, 2010

Fall hunting and tactical vest

While the Field Vest has a military or tactical look to it, I find this kinda changes depending on the colors you are displaying.   The Lizard Pattern camo is an obvious military style look, but I find hte brown and OD green colors help moderate the look.   The vest looks very simliar to the Field Jacket except without the sleeves.   We are running a sale on them so look it over and pick one up before they are all gone.


Eotac has had their products on the market for barely a year and a half now.   I remember walking the Shot Show grounds in 2009 and wondering if yet another tactical clothing company was going to survive and here we are almost 18 months later and they are still cutting into the market.   The new A-tacs apparel should be out before SHOT Show in 2011 and we’re really itching to get a  hold of it.   One of the Eotac products that was new for 2010 is the Eotac Style 103 Field Vest.   The Field Vest work really well for hunting, too.


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