Archive for February 20th, 2010

Clarity and observation

Zeiss Binoculars Most of remember what it was like to get a telescope or pair of binoculars as a kid.   Back then we pretty much just wanted to see how far we could look and that was about it.   Magnification doesn’t always mean you will be able to see more.   For  instance, many cheaper brand binoculars may magnify up to 20X, but try holding them and read a sign with magnification that high and you’ll more likely see your heartbeat pumping before you read your first word.

Another problem with high magnification is the higher the magnification the less light your binoculars will let in.   Sometimes people bypass the  higher end fixed power binoculars like Zeiss binoculars for the cheaper high magnificaiton, but if you ever get a chance to compare the glass side by side you’ll be amazed.  Good quality glass will allow in more light and clarity and you will actually see more, get a better field of view and not strain your eyes in lower light.

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