All posts by Soda_Pop

Glocks a Generation still going strong

Glock magazinesThere were some credible issues with the Glock Gen 4’s but it seems that the spring issues are over and people have for the most part accepted them.   We deal with various technical products that you gotta be 100% sure you know what you have and the  production and modifications before you buy a holster.  We see that most gun makers are putting out handguns with rails, and if you don’t pay attention to your holster selections you’re going to have returns, exchanges, or possible accidents if you are too lazy to do the research.  Safariland has a very good holster fit guide that walks you through the steps of chosing  your sidearm, we walk our customers through that to find out what the availability is for such an item like a Glock 21 or a Glock 38.    Glock conversion kits are the most wanted Glock item right now more so than just the pistol magazines.

I personally have only been a “Glock guy” until recently but I completely understand why so many Police Departments want them.   Once you deviate away from 9mm, 40 S&W and 45acp, you might find it difficult to find Glock magazines when  you need them because there is still somewhat of a shortage on getting them.   Next are the TLR-1 Flashlights that so many people are getting trained to use on which is something you really do need to train for.  Flashlights are an asset and a liability.   The Glock 21 is probable the most popular gun in  our area right now but we are still having issues acquiring gun magazines.  Glock magazines for sale are mostly the 9mm ones at the moment.  Keep an eye on our website for inventory availability.


Simple Solutions for holsters, some feedback from shoppers

Blackhawk HolstersBeing in the E-commerce business and having customers walk in, in a retail situation, gives you a very good perspective on how people shop and what actually closes the transaction.  People walk around and pick things up as they go around but until we explain to them that they can try things on, sometimes people go back and put it on the rack. We’ve had lots of returns and exchanges on gun cases recently because guys pick up a gun case they like and have no idea what the specs are on their handguns or rifles.   It’s a very hard thing to do and normally our customers service Reps. are suppose to give our customers our return police because we know we will have a large volume of returns on certain categories of products.  It basically goes with the tactical community.

Tactical Nylon companies are dime a dozen and and sometimes it’s very hard for us to stick with one product line for everything.   People want what people want and many of the times they know the Blackhawk Holsters just by knowing the Blackhawk Serpa or  just the prominence of the Warrior wear has being a very successful product line.   We were very disappointed in one of our vendors for not following through and bringing in more of their product lines.   Blackhawk has a very nice rifle case and nylon tactical product line and many Glock owners are using their stuff.  The stow-n-go holsters are probable the best selling CCW holsters for local police detectives.


Tru-Spec Product line for outwear, Law Enforcement and Civilian

Truspec outwearMuch of the TruSpec outwear product line looks a lot more geared towards law enforcement and the truth is, yes, it is.   Most of these products have areas designed for holding a badge or for silk screening, the Softshell jackets are a little bit more versatile because you can put velcro patches on the arms and make it a team or even airsoft team patch.  We’re working on our on designs for some patches with Elite Survival Systems and the new US Flag patches we have from them will be more diverse than the Blackawk patches.   The Waterproof Parkas are going to expand into the much heavier TruSpec 2.0 Parkas which we did not stock last year.   We’re still not sure how mild of a winter we are going to have but in this part of the Country, you never know until a few days before.

Most of our Law Enforcement need waterproof jackets or pants because they might need to be called to work in traffic or accidents and be out in the soaking rain.  Recently we had the US Open in our area and the TruSpec outwear was alive and well at the event.  Most of the items we have in our store are for the more mild temperatures or as an outer garment.   The problem with a lot of rain gear is it does not breath well and the user ends up sweating an enormous amount just trying to avoid getting wet.   There will be some really good sales and discounts on much of the TruSpec product line so stop in our store or sign up on our Facebook and Newsletter lists.


Mounting optics on a combat rifle, what you need to know

Trijicon ACOGS for saleI don’t know how many times I’ve walked into Cabela’s, Dick’s Sporting Goods or some gun shop and  picked up a rifle, whether it was a hunting rifle or a military style rifle and noticed that the scope was not mounted correctly.  So many people lack any gunsmithing or armorer skills that they don’t have the slightest clue how to know if the scope is level.   I usually mount all of my scopes while at a firing range, and once I think i got it, I make a few shots on paper, adjust the elevation about 4 MOA and then take a few shots  more, once I know the elevation is adjust the point of impact up or down, and not moving the way the windage adjustmants would move POI, then I know I got it for sure.  Some people seem to not want to put the effort in and when  they see me hitting steel plates at 400yds, they don’t have the slightest idea how I can do it.

The above mentioned are some suggestions on how to verify you have a leveled scope, but you can make things a lot easier by buying an Eotech or an ACOG.   If you want to make your longer range shooting very easy Trijicon ACOGS for sale are probable the best option for you.  For instance, the Trijicon TA01NSN has bullet comp out to 600yds for the  62GR SCBT or the M855 round out of an M4 Carbine.    You will be able to nail targets ad varying distances just by adjusting where you put the crosshairs.  There are other reticles that you can use for different ranges but all of them are things you will want to research.  The Chevron reticles are fast outselling crosshair reticles.


Are you paying for a name or a paying for a higher quality product with LWRC?

LWRC upper receiversI had a few customers say that to  me when they were picking up an Adams upper receiver but I just kept my mouth shut and let them speak.  With so much of this industry it’s about the task you are using your gear for and sometimes it just comes down to preference.   Since Osama Bin Laden was killed there was a lot of talk about the H&K 416 and why special forces guys use them, and some of the reasons why they do are exactly why people buy LWRC products.  Sure there is not a  lot of reliability differences between the direct impingement products and the  piston designs until you get into extreme conditions or you are running an SBR.   There are also maintenance differences.  Sure you can run DI guns dirty but there is a certain point you aren’t going to be sure how dirty it is and at what point it needs to be cleaned out for security reasons.

I have been an LWRC fan for a long time and back 8yrs ago they were making a very different product compared to what the LWRC M6A2 rifles are today.   The machining and finish of these guns and the LWRC upper receivers we stock feel so different and tough compared to their competitors.  There have been several lightweight upper receivers and the spiral and stretched designs.   The New Special Purpose or SPR is one of the fastest selling M4 complete upper receivers.  You are going to be spending about 40%  more for an LWRC rifle compared to others but you will know why people buy higher end AR15’s like this when you actually hold one in your hand.


More customer feedback about the Turtleskin gloves

turtleskin glovesWe added several more products to our Turtleskin glove product line after hearing a lot of positive feedback from the Pennsylvania State Police.   Apparently, Turtleskin has been doing a lot of demonstrations and since Heroine use seems to be way up more and more Police Officers are running the risk of being exposed to HIV and HEP C and all the other crap that exists.   It’s almost part of the uniform for any Police Officer within 25miles of a major City, especially Philadelphia to have to keep frisk gloves on them or in their patrol vehicle.  There is always a balance and limit to using various types of Law Enforcement Gear, and it’s almost best to keep the limits to a reasonable level.   Being able to feel something like needle or a pipe yet also have protection and still be able to draw an proficiently use a firearm or use a radio under stress is important.

Much of this is about preference and the environment you are working in but there are new gloves on our inventory like the Patrol Gloves, NYDOCS Glove and the Turtleskin search gloves.   These gloves are either lighter or heavier than the Turtleskin gloves we had like the Algha and Bravo gloves.   Those are really more street patrol gloves and some of the others are probable more for prison, crime scene or major incidents.   Being able to have a glove like this in the $50 price range is about what most police officers want and having something that holds up after being washed is also important to the consumer.


Lots of new things coming in based on local customer feedback

Philadelphia Police SuppliesWe did an entire overhaul of our Broomall showroom this year and probable 85% of the new products we have in are things that our local Police Departments have asked us to bring in.   If you’re a Glock 21 owner, we’ve probable got more Glock 21 holsters in our store than for any other firearm.   Being this close to some of the largest police departments in the State, we have to carry a lot of inventory to make sure we are always relevant to what our customers needs and wants.   Recently we started stocking more of the Safariland  holsters, not just the duty holsters, but paddle holsters that hold the TLR-1S Flashlights.   Many of our customers have been asking for items like this for off duty or even for going to court.

This is industry is very flood in some regards but there are always new products coming out that do things better than their competitors and if you  don’t attend some of the National and International Trade shows you won’t really have a clue what is going on  in the industry.  In recent months we have been attending shows and many Philadelphia Police Supplies are changing over from previous brands.   More AR15 and Glock firearm accessories are hitting the streets like the Glock Trijicon High Definition sights.   Most Cops have learned to get with the program and improve their ability to see at night.   Streamlight Flashlights have made  huge advancements in the brightness of their lights and many of the new products are an 85% improvement over last  years models.


Measure rifle cases and what effects accessorizing your AR15

bulldog gun casesWe sold a boat load of gun cases in recent weeks and most of it because people are looking to keep their guns protected as well as organized.   We’ve been getting a lot of horror stories from local police departments about the gear they have an all of the things that can and will go wrong with hard use.   I would probable say that most SWAT guys spend more time carrying firearms around, either in a car or in and out of a Police Department.   Some Cops tell me they don’t like flashlights that have click switches.  Why?  because they’ve had enough experience with them to know that they break, its a major difference between Surefire and a lot of the Streamlight flashlight product lines.   Weapon mounted lights also can get trick with the rifle cases and here’s some pointers on what to think about.

I’ve you’ve got a pressure switch, I hope you’ve looked into the failure rates with them and why so many pros don’t even mount them on their guns.   When you are choosing a gun case you might want to look at the Bulldog gun cases if you just want to clean up your mags and maybe label the gun case for a specific firearm and keep your Magpul Pmags and sight in tools in their.   Zippers are also something else to think about because the sturdyness of a gun case is something you can feel as soon as you pick it up.    The differences between a firearm may not be just the barrel length, it’s more about the OAL of a firearm because butt stocks and grips and optics can also have an impact on whether or  not a certain type of tactical nylon gun case is going to work for you.


Tru-Spec product line overview- Tactical Shirt options

truspec shirtsI have been very new to the Tru-Spec product line since I have so many shirts from the Woolrich Elite Series Tactical and the Eotac product lines.   Most of the shirts are still in very good condition.   When we moved on from that Era of tactical clothing, we dealt with far more of the polyester styles of clothing, at first most of these felt too hard and not as soft, but I’ve been won over to adding the Tru-Spec ultra-lightweight tactical shirts to my personal inventory.   I got around to testing out these items right at the tail end of the summer and I was very happy with them.  Having the proper venting is a must and next time the weather warms up I will also be testing out and  posting reviews about the Blackhawk Warrior wear.  Gusseted arms and venting are things that are going to be about how well it matches up to your body type.  The best thing about the Tru-Spec product line is they really give us a good option for people accustomed to the 5.11 product line.

The stiffer feel of the Tru-Spec polyester/cotton rip stop material seems to be more fitting for those in uniform and are fell less maintenance than some of the 100% cotton ripstop.   Having a material that doesn’t shrink, fade or fall apart is not that common and the TruSpec shirts we sell have a very high approval rating in this regard.   Their selection of performance polos and different fitting cotton polos have large selection of color options as well as long and short sleeve.   Many of our local departments have switched over to the Tru-Spec 24.7 Series polos and now that Tru-Spec has started doing silk screening and embroidering it’s really helped us to grow our business.


Aimpoint vs Eotech vs Trijicon and the various options for short, medium and longer range engagements

eotech sightsWe just filled out dealer listing for the Aimpoint product line and this was based on a large customer base that wanted it.   We were actually contacted directly by Aimpoint to carry their product line because so many people came in here and wanted it.  We usually listen to what are customers are asking for and depending on what it is, we fill out the dealer applications and order what we know is going to move.   The Aimpoint Patrol Optic seems to be the biggest hit and not because it’s something fancy, it’s because it’s not that expensive and it gets the job done.  We still have a large selection of combat optics because our customers are Military, Law Enforcement and even just competition shooters.   The Trijicon optics are higher priced but there are certain levels our customers.

If  you want adjustable power, which is something many law enforcement are asking for, you may want to think about the Trijicon SRS sight or go with the Eotech sights.   The most popular sights right now are the EXPS2-0 and the XPS2-0, these Eotech sights have a more compact look to them and can really help remove the bulk from your AR15.   The Eotech 512 is very popular if you want to stick with AA batteries and don’t want to use a Magnifier but with the Eotech 556 you can have the advantage of having left side access to the adjustable power levels and still access them when using a magnifier.   Various gun  owners that own everything from a Windham AR15 to a Spikes or LWRC M6A2 rifle use Eotech sights, why, because they have good reputations for CQB.

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