Now that the anti-gun movement has stalled, the panic buying has stalled

AR15 Complete upper receiversWe have gotten a steady influx of Spikes Tactical Upper Receivers as well as LWRC M6A2 uppers for several months now so it’s safe to say that if you wanted a new AR15, nobody is going to ban the AR15 in this Country.  If you are one of those that thought that, the AR15 is probable the safest gun to own because it’s popularity amongst hunters, target shooters and Law Enforcement is so common that nobody is going to put up with a gun grab.    The AR15 5.56mm round has so much versatility that many ballistics tests have shown that it is a much safer round to use in an urban environment than a 9mm pistol carbine.  Over penetration with a 5.56mm fragmenting round is not going to be as bad as a 9mm MP5 round.

We still deal a large number of gun owners that just like to build their own custom rifles.   There are so many AR15 complete upper receivers for sale  in our inventory that price ranges, quality, styles, handguard variations are so different that it’s really like going to a restaurant where you can have Chinese, Italian, Mexican or an seafood you want.   Customizing the AR15 to the users style of shooting is also one of the positive features about the gun.   Many of our local police departments are just getting around to getting these for their patrolman because of the proficiency that these guns can be  used in amongst less trained shooters.


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